Private Works

Application for Private Works

At times, private persons may find it desirable to have Council provide a private works service. Applications for private works performed by Council shall be requested per the Application Form.

Applications will only be accepted following assurance from the applicant that local suppliers have also been asked to quote for the works.

A fee is levied for lodging a private works application to defray the cost of quotation and investigation. This fee is published in Council's Register of Cost-Recovery Fees and Commercial Charges.

Private works using Council equipment and personnel is only permissible if it does not cause a disruption to the progress of Council's own works program and it is assessed that the plant available is suitable for the proposed work or conditions. Council's Director Infrastructure Services shall make this determination.

For the private works to proceed, the Private Works Authorisation must be completed, referenced to the relevant Quotation and signed by the Proponent.

Upon completion of the Works Authorisation Form and payment in full received and processed by Council, only then may the work be programmed. Refer STRAT0042 Private Works for further information.

Private Works or Hiring out not "Core" business

It is recognised that the undertaking of private works or the hiring out of Council owned Plant, Equipment or Vehicles to the public, is not "core business". Council's "core business" is the maintenance of road assets and the construction of capital roadworks for Council, Department of Transport and Main Roads and others under contract.

For further information, contact us.