Water Tariffs - Annual Transfer Period

Council levies Ratepayers for water that they use, or have the capacity to use, as a result of their proximity to supply.

The basis of the water charge is as follows:

  • Residential Users may choose between the Allocation Tariff or Two Part Tariff
  • Non-Residential Users are charged the Two Part Tariff only

The Allocation Tariff is an annual fixed charge combining the Access Charge with an annual allowance of water, and is unit-based per parcel according to the variables as set out in the Water Charges Schedule for the year. The Two Part Tariff is broken into two parts - the First Part is a flat charge covering access or availability, which is levied in advance, and the Second Part is a charge per kilolitre (kL) used, which is levied on the 1st & 2nd half yearly rate notice following the bi-annual meter reads.

As noted above, Residential Properties can choose annually between tariffs, during the nominated Transfer Period, which is for the 2024-25 financial year runs from Tuesday, 8 October until Tuesday, 5 November 2024.  Transfer requests will not be accepted outside of the defined advertised Transfer Period, other than when ownership of a property is transferred.

The chosen tariff will apply to water used from 1 July 2024 through to 30 June 2025.  Costs are provided below, following the adoption of the 2024-25 Budget on Wednesday, 26 June 2024.

Ratepayers are not required to change their tariff each year - they may elect to retain their existing tariff.

Should the election to move tariff result in additional costs to the ratepayer, Council will levy a Supplementary Levy, including the additional charges, which will be due and payable within 31 days of the Notice Date. Council anticipates all supplementary notices will be issued in the week following the close of the Tariff Period.

Where the election to change results in a refund to the ratepayer, the standard action will be for the amount of the credit to remain on Rate Account, resulting in a reduction in amount payable from the 2nd Half-Yearly Notice.  Ratepayers may elect to have this credit paid out by Council - again, this is anticipated to occur in the week following the closure of the transfer period.

Revenue Statement 2024-25

The following options apply to residential water users only:

Allocation Tariff

  • Users are allocated 750 kL (4 units) of water per annum, with excess charges applying at a rate of $2.09 per kL for all water used after 750kLs
  • Recommended for users with consumption over 441kL per year

Two Part Tariff

  • First part - Fixed charge access (Network) fee per unit (4 units of water) levied in advance, 50% of charge per half yearly rate notice
  • Second part - Usage fee based on consumption of water per kL (excess threshold applies per unit), levied on the 1st & 2nd half yearly rate notice  following the bi-annual meter reads
  • Properties with no meter and no connection will be charged the Access Fee only
  • Recommended for users with consumption less than 441kL per year


Should you have questions concerning your consumption during 2023-24 (or your estimated usage for 2024-25), you may email mail@charterstowers.qld.gov.au. A response by a rates officer is guaranteed within 2 working days.

When making an enquiry, please provide your Name, telephone number and the Property Address related to the enquiry.

You can either complete the form online (below) to change your tariff preference or contact Council on 07 4761 5300 to request paper-based form be mailed to you for completion and return to Council's Administration Centre at 12 Mosman Street, Charters Towers before Wednesday, 6 November 2024.

It is also recommended that residents sign up for free to the MiWater website to monitor their water consumption - please visit https://charterstowers.aqualus.com. You will need your assessment number to sign up. Please contact the Rates Team to obtain this.