Historic Milestone: Unveiling '150 Years of Local Government in Charters Towers'


Marking 150 years of Charters Towers’, yesterday’s book launch of '150 Years of Local Government in Charters Towers' unveiled a comprehensive narrative of the region's governance evolution and rich history.

In its pages, the book delves into Charters Towers' governance, revealing the enduring resilience and collaborative spirit that have shaped the community's ethos for 150 years.

Mayor Frank Beveridge emphasised the immense importance of the book since there had been no comprehensive record available regarding Charters Towers' governance prior to this.

“The launch of '150 Years of Local Government in Charters Towers,' celebrates the rich tapestry of our history and it's an honour to be part of this special occasion and acknowledge the remarkable individuals who have shaped our region”, said Mayor Frank Beveridge.

The book's authorship was entrusted to the dedicated historian Michael Brumby, a recognition of his deep engagement with the City's history dating back to 1978.

Boasting a portfolio of 17 publications about Charters Towers and having spent a year conducting thorough research and contemplation in Cairns, Mr Brumby embarked on the formidable challenge of documenting the City's governance history from 1872 to 2022 within a mere twelve months.

Mayor Beveridge noted that within the pages of this book, Michael Brumby has brilliantly captured our history's essence, making it an invaluable piece of our heritage.

“His storytelling is a gift that will educate and inspire generations to come.

“Council would like to express their thanks to all that have provided invaluable information and support towards the production of this important piece of history”, continued Mayor Beveridge.

The launch had various members of the community and local government delegates in attendance, in full support of this significant asset to the community demonstrating its importance to local history and governance.

If you wish to purchase the book, '150 Years of Local Government in Charters Towers', copies can be obtained from the Excelsior Library, Council’s Administration Centre and the Visitor Information Centre.