Lissner Park - Flying Fox Dispersal
Council advises the Department of Environment and Science (DES) have engaged a Contractors, Ecosure, to undertake flying fox dispersal activities in Lissner Park, commencing from Tuesday, 14 July 2020.
Dispersal activities will take place approximately 4:00am until 7:00am daily for a period of approximately up to 4 weeks.
The aim of the dispersal is to encourage flying foxes to relocate from Lissner Park to a new alternative Roost Site at Young's Block.
Residents in the area may expect to be impacted by noise, smoke and lighting disturbances during the dispersal.
Residents are asked to assist with the dispersal by:
- Keeping noise-sensitive pets indoors or locked up during dispersal activities.
- Reporting the following incidents to the Ecosure flying-fox hotline:
- Flying-foxes that are present on your property.
- Flying-foxes in suitable locations including backyards, schools, health or aged care facilities, the airport and paddocks.
- A flying-fox that may be injured.
- Any significant disturbances or issues caused by the dispersal activities.
- Not disturbing flying foxes that may be temporarily roosting in trees on your property during the day so they don't return to Lissner Park and can continue to relocated to Young's Block.
For safety reasons residents are asked not to enter the Park while these works are being undertaken or handle flying foxes.
For more information or questions please call the
Ecosure Flying-Fox Hotline 0400 714 379.
Following this initial dispersal period, Charters Towers Regional Council will manage the ongoing relocation activities as part of its flying-fox management period.
Aaron Johansson
Chief Executive Officer 30 June 2020