Councillor Column – Volunteer Week – Cr Graham Lohmann


“This week is recognised as National Volunteer Week and we want to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers.

This year, Volunteering Australia announced the theme as ‘Changing Communities. Changing Lives.’

This is especially fitting, given the change we are currently seeing across the globe, and hearing about the difference volunteers are making to people’s lives during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Overseeing the ‘Community Portfolio’ and being Deputy Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group last term, which I am very proud to be doing again this term, means I have seen the efforts of many volunteers across our Region. 

Volunteers extend across all areas of our community including sports, cultural, education, aged care, tourism, emergency services and many more.

Being a volunteer can be such a rewarding experience.

Volunteering also provides opportunities to explore new interests or pathways towards employment through skill development and networking.

As a Council we wouldn’t be able to provide the services we do without our team of volunteers from the Visitor Information Centre, World Theatre, Pound and Emergency Services.

This year’s National Volunteer Week will not be celebrated in the usual way, so now, more than ever, is the perfect time to acknowledge our volunteers. One way of doing this is to simply say ‘thank you’ to volunteers that have enriched your life, and if you’re looking for a way to give back to the community, why not ask a volunteer how you can too.

So, thank you to all of our community volunteers for all the hours of service they give this community. Many events, clubs and groups wouldn’t function without your support.”

-  Councillor Graham Lohmann

CJM 22 May 2020