Rates FAQs

The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been developed to assist ratepayers.

When are my Rates Notices issued?

Council issues half yearly Rates Notices.

  1. August/September (1st levy) for the billing period 1 July to 31 December; and
  2. In February/March (2nd levy) for the billing period 1 January to 30 June.

The 1st levy rate notice will include excess water levies incurred across period 1 January to 14 June. The 2nd levy rate notice will include excess water levies incurred across the period 15 June to 18 December.  

The 1st levy rate notice will also be accompanied by hardcopies of the Rates & Charges booklet and other standard inclusions.  Property owners are requested to retain this booklet for reference.  Copies will be available on Council’s website.

How can I get a copy of my Rates Notice?

You can request a copy of your Rates Notice and Water Notice by emailing mail@charterstowers.qld.gov.au

It is recommended that you store these documents in a safe place as these may be required for proof of ownership of your property or tax purposes.  

How can I get my Rates Notice emailed to me?

Complete the online form found on the Rates Change of Address page to receive your Rates Notice electronically.

You can also complete a Rates Notice to be Emailed Request Form to make the request.  A hard copy of this form can be collected from Council’s Administration Office located at 12 Mosman Street, Charters Towers.

How can I change my mailing address with Council?

Complete the online form found on the Rates Change of Address page to change your mailing address.

You can also complete a Rates Change of Mailing Address Request Form to change your mailing address.  A hard copy of this form can be collected from Council’s Administration Office located at 12 Mosman Street, Charters Towers.

Council requires that any changes made to mailing addresses be made in writing; a change of mailing address cannot be made over the telephone.

How do I receive a discount on my Rates?

You will only receive the discount amount noted on your Half Yearly Rates Notice if the total nett amount on that Notice is received by Council by the due date.

It is recommended that payments via BPAY®, Telephone or the Internet are transmitted at least 3 days prior to the due date to allow for payments to be processed and the receipt of funds be completed by the due date.

Please refer to Council’s Rates Payment Methods Page for more information.

What Concessions or Rebates are available?

Rebates and concessions are determined on an annual basis on the adoption of each budget and reflect Council's commitment to continue to assist Pensioners with their payment of Rates.

Please visit the Rate Discounts, Rebates & Concessions page for more information.

Who values my property?

Department of Resources (DR) is responsible for valuing all properties in the Local Government Area (LGA).  Council uses this valuation to calculate the General Rates component of each Levy.  All enquiries relating to valuations should be directed to the Department by phone 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or email.

How do I question Charges on my Rate Account?

Should a property owner consider there is an error in the charges levied on the Rate Account, contact is required to be made with the Rates Section prior to the due date on the Rates Notice.  Such advice does not extend the discount period.  Following a review of the matter & should the matter result in a reduction to the levy, refunds will be processed accordingly.  Enquiries can be made by email or phone Council’s Administration Centre on 07 4761 5300.

How do I register for MiWater?

Property Owners in Charters Towers can monitor water consumption through the free MiWater website. Visit charterstowers.aqualus.com/ for more information.