Opening Hours: 8:30am - 4:00pm Mon - Fri
(07) 4761 5300
Towers Rush was the tonic the Region needed to push through last year, and people like Lisa Green, Council’s Events Officer, are to thank for pulling it together.
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When Belinda Blokland realised she was pursuing a career she wasn’t passionate about, she pivoted towards a path that excited her.
David Buchholz went beyond the call of duty and showed courage in a difficult situation. It's why he's been nominated as a Values Champion.
Ant Hanna is a man known for leaving a lasting impression. He’s seen as a mentor to some, a confidant to others, and a team player by all.
Officially, Anne Tweedie is a Charters Towers Regional Council Library Officer. Unofficially, she wears many more hats. Anne is an educator, community advisor, counsellor, and advocate for older people.
Open Space Coordinator Troy Risdale is uncomfortable in the spotlight, but there’s no doubt he’s truly earned his place in it.
Ann Aldridge is the new kid on the block and said to be nominated as a Values Champion after only seven months has validated her decision to start a new life chapter in Charters Towers.
A strong work ethic has always been second nature to Peter Husband. It was how he was raised - to work hard, be there for your team, and be proud of what you do.