Councillor Column – Portfolio – Cr Kate Hastie


I am very excited and honoured to have been elected as a Councillor for the region. I would like to express my thanks to the local community for electing me.

I look forward to serving the community and overseeing my portfolio of cemeteries, parks, sport and recreation, pools and audit and risk.

COVID-19 has made it very difficult for sports, among many other things, in our region. It is fantastic that groups of up to 20 can now engage in non-contact indoor and outdoor community sport.

Sports and physical activity not only provide benefits to our physical health but also our mental health and wellbeing.

It was great to see the Queensland Government offer grants to help community sport, recreation and fitness organisations to restart sports and recreation.

One of Council's priority areas of focus, as outlined in the Corporate Plan 2018-2023, is to explore opportunities to enhance and support sporting groups throughout the region.

Council has received funding to encourage youth to be active and is working with a service provider to deliver a sports program in the coming weeks once COVID-19 restrictions have eased further.

I am passionate about all sports and encouraging young people to stay active. I feel privileged to live in such a wonderful region with beautiful parks and natural environments for us to enjoy.

With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions I encourage you all to rediscover our beautiful natural assets and to be active.

- Councillor Kate Hastie

OGG 11 June 2020