Arts in the Outdoors


Charters Towers Regional Council is seeking community input on ideas for arts and cultural activities designed to activate outdoor spaces such as parks and the CBD streetscape.

The project, titled ‘Arts in the Outdoors’, is aimed at value-adding to current events and adding arts and culture activities in locations that are not considered traditional arts spaces.

The community can provide feedback on potential projects and activities for the Arts in the Outdoors Initiative through an online Facebook poll on Council’s page. This poll will be available from 4 June until 18 June 2020.

Mayor Frank Beveridge said Council is aiming this project at existing events in the region.
“We’re hoping we can partner with different event organisers to value-add to these events and to provide interesting activities for audiences.

“We want to utilise outdoor venues such as parks and non-traditional art spaces to add vibrancy to these areas.

“We also want to encourage local businesses to undertake tourism focused activities like Dark Sky Dining and Footpath Dining to create unique experiences,” said the Mayor.

The various activities will be funded through the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). RADF is a Queensland Government and Charters Towers Regional Council partnership to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

Minister for the Arts Leeanne Enoch said the Queensland Government was proud to continue its RADF partnership with local governments with an investment of $2.08 million, through Arts Queensland, for the 2019-20 fund. 

“This investment will support the delivery of hundreds of arts experiences and professional development opportunities across the state,” Ms Enoch said.

“Projects funded through RADF provide pathways for learning, contribute to the creation of jobs, foster creativity and boost cultural tourism.”

Council recently adopted its Arts and Cultural Investment Policy, Public Art Policy and Management Guidelines and the Arts and Cultural Investment Plan.

“This Plan and policies provide direction on the future of cultural projects within our region. This includes what projects we’ll direct future funding towards through the RADF program,” said the Mayor.

OGG 4 June 2020